
Reporters at Vegas Debate Caught Cheering for Hillary

By: Kristinn Taylor

Reporters covering the presidential debate in Las Vegas Wednesday night between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton were cheering Clinton and groaning at Trump during the debate according to a report by Fox News’ Jesse Watters posted to Twitter.

“Watching debate in enormous room of media in Vegas. Press laughs and cheers for Hillary and groans and gasps when Trump speaks. #inthetank”

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White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead

By: Rasmussen Reports

The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but  that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

Rasmussen Reports updates its White House Watch survey daily Monday through Friday at 8:30 am Eastern based on a three-day rolling average of 1,500 Likely U.S. Voters. Monday’s survey was the first following the release of an 11-year-old video showing Trump discussing women in graphic sexual detail but did not include any polling results taken after the debate. All three nights of the latest survey follow Sunday’s debate.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has dropped slightly to six percent (6%) support, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein holds steady at two percent (2%). Four percent (4%) still like some other candidate in the race, and another four percent (4%) remain undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Eighty-four percent (84%) now say they are certain how they will vote in this year’s presidential election, and among these voters, Trump posts a 49% to 46% lead over Clinton. Among voters who say they still could change their minds between now and Election Day, it’s Clinton 40%, Trump 37%, Johnson 19% and Stein four percent (4%).

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By Gabby Morrongiello

A focus group conducted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz consistently agreed that Donald Trump delivered better answers on a host of issues during Sunday’s presidential debate and outperformed his Democratic opponent overall.

Luntz hosted a group of 30 undecided voters at the debate in St. Louis, Missouri, where Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off for a highly-anticipated debate in which both were forced to respond to the latest scandals plaguing their campaigns.

Many of the undecided voters were turned off when Trump brought up Bill Clinton’s sexual indiscretions, but the Republican nominee’s sharp criticism of Hillary Clinton’s private email practices and his case against Obamacare earned him immediate praise.

When participants were asked to choose who had delivered a better performance halfway through the 90-minute debate, 17 of the voters chose Trump while only four chose Clinton. Nine more participants said the two candidates were running about even in their responses and overall performance.

Trump’s highest moment during the first half the debate was when he vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton if he is elected president, and told the former secretary of state she should be “ashamed of herself” for misleading the American public on the email issue.

“I think what you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 emails that you deleted and that you acid-washed and then the two boxes of emails and other things that were taken from an office … and now are missing,” Trump had said to Clinton.

Voters were impressed by Trump’s responses when the billionaire was asked about Obamacare and they felt his apology for the lewd language he used in leaked audio tapes from 2005 was sincere. More participants were concerned with Clinton’s email practices than they were with the audio tapes that have caused numerous Republican lawmakers to rescind their endorsement of Trump.

Continue reading, Washington Examiner.

By Karl de Vries and Eugene Scott

Washington (CNN) – The Commission on Presidential Debates revealed in a one-sentence statement Friday that Donald Trump’s audio was impacted earlier in the week.

“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” the commission said in a statement. No other details were immediately made available.

The statement provided no evidence that the audio issue affected the television audience of more than 80 million people.

Trump complained earlier in the week that his microphone wasn’t functioning properly at Monday’s debate.

“And they also had, gave me a defective mic. Did you notice that? My mic was defective within the room,” he told a group of reporters afterward. “No, but I wonder, was that on purpose? Was that on purpose? But I had a mic that wasn’t worked properly, with, working properly within the room.”

Friday’s statement, however, said nothing about a microphone problem.

Trump’s Democratic challenger, Hillary Clinton, mocked Trump the day after the debate for complaining about his mic.

Continue reading, CNN.

By Irin Carmon

Donald Trump has said, “I would be the best for women.” But according to a new NBC News|SurveyMoney poll taken after the first presidential debate, a majority of women aren’t convinced.

Twenty-seven percent of likely women voters said the debate made them think worse of Trump. Meanwhile, nearly a third, or 30 percent, said their opinion of Clinton had improved, compared to 22 percent of men. Women were also far likelier to say Clinton won the debate, by a 10-point margin over men.

“I’m undecided, but I’m leaning more towards Hillary than I ever have before because of the debate,” said Joan Hume, a 71-year-old retiree in Fairfield, Ohio who said she voted for Trump in the Republican primary because she wanted to “see Washington shaken up.”

Hume added, “There’s a side of him that’s scary to me that I’m seeing more of. I thought maybe he would change when he got the nomination, but he’s getting worse.”

Only 11 percent of women voters said their opinion of Trump had improved after the debate. Thirteen percent said their opinion of Clinton had worsened, compared to 21 percent of men who thought less of Clinton after seeing her debate.

Women were also likelier, by a 12-point margin, to doubt Trump’s personality and temperament, while men were likelier to doubt Clinton’s, by a near-identical margin of 13 points.

Trump fared particularly poorly with independent women when they were asked if he has the “temperament and personality to serve.” Eighty percent of independent female voters said he does not. By contrast, independent women voters were more evenly split on Clinton’s personality and temperament, with 51 percent saying she met the test for president.

“I was a little bit taken aback. I understand that Donald Trump is a passionate person, but in situations like that I believe he needed to pull back and not quite be so combative,” said Kathryn Fink, a 63-year-old library technician in Kirtland, Ohio who was undecided before the debate.

Continue reading, NBC News.


Donald Trump brushed himself off Tuesday following a rough-and-tumble debate with Hillary Clinton, returning to the campaign trail while warning he may have to “hit her harder” in the next round – as he and his surrogates rapped moderator Lester Holt for skating over the controversies associated with the Democratic nominee.

Clinton was widely seen as coming to the debate stage at Hofstra University well-prepared to take on the sometimes-unpredictable Trump, and standing her ground without any major stumbles. But the Republican nominee and his team pushed back Tuesday on any suggestion he might have missed opportunities to land punches, as Clinton’s supporters gloated that she got the better of him.

“I think [Trump] had a great night,” running mate Mike Pence, who will face Democratic counterpart Tim Kaine at a debate next week, said on Fox News’“America’s Newsroom.”

Trump, speaking on “Fox & Friends,” said the debate went well, especially when he was asked “normal questions.”

However, he and his backers noted that Holt never pressed Clinton on several issues, suggesting the moderator tilted the playing field in her favor during their opening bout.

“[Holt] didn’t ask her about the emails at all. He didn’t ask her about her scandals. He didn’t ask her about [Benghazi],” Trump said. “They were leaving all of her little goodies out.”

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By: Adam Edelman


Hillary Clinton says that we’re “stronger together,” but even she can’t deny Donald Trump is taller.

The Democratic nominee, who is 5-foot-4, has apparently enlisted the help of a raised podium for the first presidential debate against Donald Trump, who is 6-foot-3, Monday night, photos of the two podiums show.

According to WABC’s Rita Cosby, one of the two podiums inside the debate hall at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, N.Y., is larger than the other.

It is believed that the larger one was built at Clinton’s request to make her appear taller than she is.

“Clinton is 5’4″ and Trump 6’2″ and her team wanted the podium modified or a box added so she won’t look short next to Trump,” Cosby said in an email.

“One is clearly larger … than the other,” Cosby said.


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