Entries by Editorial Staff

Fox News: Clinton ‘does not recall’ ordering destruction of emails from personal server in testimony

By FoxNews.com Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said she “does not recall” ordering emails related to State Department business to be deleted or permanently erased from her personal server after she left her post in 2013, according to sworn testimony made public Thursday. The testimony, obtained by the conservative group Judicial Watch, marked the first time […]

White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead

White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead By: Rasmussen Reports The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton. The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s […]

WSJ: House Speaker Paul Ryan Says He Won’t Defend, Campaign With Donald Trump

By Kristina Peterson and Allison Kite *Speaker Paul Ryan Tells GOP Lawmakers He Won’t Defend or Campaign With Trump *Ryan Does Not Rescind Trump Endorsement *Ryan Tells Republicans to Do “What’s Best For You” In Their Districts on Trump WASHINGTON—Whether Donald Trump’s performance in Sunday’s rancorous presidential debate can slow the exodus of GOP lawmakers […]

Washington Examiner: Trump scores high in Luntz focus group

By Gabby Morrongiello A focus group conducted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz consistently agreed that Donald Trump delivered better answers on a host of issues during Sunday’s presidential debate and outperformed his Democratic opponent overall. Luntz hosted a group of 30 undecided voters at the debate in St. Louis, Missouri, where Trump and Hillary Clinton […]

TWITTER Censors 32 of Donald Trump’s GOTO Battleground Tweets! …Deletes Another!

TWITTER Censors 32 of Donald Trump’s GOTO Battleground Tweets! …Deletes Another! By: Mike Garcia On October 3, 2016 Twitter deliberately “shadowbanned” (censored) 32 of Trump’s tweets, plus it deleted one other tweet. When Twitter shadowbanned Trump’s tweets, the general public can no longer see any of the tweets, and only users who replied or re-tweeted […]

Free Beacon: Clinton Sought Pentagon, State Department Contracts for Chelsea’s Friend

By Bill Gertz Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to arrange Pentagon and State Department consulting contracts for her daughter’s friend, prompting concerns of federal ethics rules violations. Clinton in 2009 arranged meetings between Jacqueline Newmyer Deal, a friend of Chelsea Clinton and head of the defense consulting group Long Term Strategy Group, with […]