Women for Trump meet with Ivanka Trump
Recently, our Co-Chair, Amy Kremer, was on Fox & Friends discussing the hatred and death threats from the left. Shortly after, President Trump tweeted at Amy and Women for Trump. (If you missed it, see below.) Then Ivanka Trump invited Amy to the White House!!
Completely honored to be invited, Amy and our Executive Director, Kylie Jane Kremer, traveled Washington, DC to meet with her in the West Wing.
Ivanka was beyond welcoming – full of grace and class. She is such a terrific role model to women around the world and it was an honor to meet with her. They discussed what Women for Trump is working on and what Ivanka is working on with the administration but most importantly they spoke about ways we are able to work together in the future. We, Women for Trump, are beyond excited to have the opportunity to continue to work Ivanka moving forward to support POTUS, the America First agenda, and women and families across our nation. We will have more to announce about our meeting and communications since in the coming days, so stay tuned…
Here is what you can do now…
Watch Amy below on Fox & Friends discussing the death threats from the left and then make a donation.
Midterms are right around the corner and the hate from the left is going to continue ramping up. It is hard going into battle, but with your support, we will keep fighting. Meeting specifically with Ivanka is just another HUGE step we are taking to support President Trump and to continue to carry our message to millions across the nation!
Time to Double Down
Amy Kremer on Fox & Friends discussing death threats from the left
Our Co-Chair, Amy Kremer, was on Fox and Friends talking about recent death threats and told them she will not back down. That as long as she is able, she will keep fighting for POTUS and his agenda.
The best thing is that President Trump saw the segment Fox and Friends and tweeted at Amy. He thanked her for the support and said she was doing a great job.
Women for Trump is so proud of POTUS and the hard work he is doing . We cannot let him down!
Now is when we need to double down and we need your support.
We can’t do this alone and we will not back down, but we need our supporters to know we are out here fighting to defend the President and his agenda.
Can you chip in today so we can please continue our work…$10, $25, $100, $1000 or whatever you can afford to give? Every little bit helps.
I’m counting on you and the President is counting on us. Together we are making a difference!
So please DONATE TODAY! Your support will help KEEP AMERICA GREAT.
Please MAIL your donation via USPS to our headquarters:
Women Vote Trump
PO Box 72861
Marietta, GA 30007